It has been a LONG day.
The angiogram at 10 seemed to go well. However, as he was recovering Bryan said that Tom was having speech problems. The doctors were concerned that he had another stroke, or that the dye that was injected to take the images of the vessels in his brain was having a bad side effect. So, Tom was given a second angiogram around 3.
The second angiogram went well, and showed no signs of a stroke. Tom still has speech issues, "speech aphasia," which is somewhat common with stroke victims, but not for him before today.
Tom is staying overnight tonight for observation. As only God could plan it, he is staying in the same ICU room he did when he was in a coma in July! The doctors do not know what is causing this aphasia, but they are 99% sure it is not another stroke.
Tom is doing very well. He is frustrated with his speech, but overall doing well, and I guess was pretty hungry after the long day.
Praise God for the great nursing staff and that all of his doctors were there today. Praise God it is not another stroke!
Praise God that he is in the best place under the best care possible tonight. Please pray for rest for Tom, Nancy, and Bryan.
Please pray for some answers to the speech aphasia. We are really hoping it will "wear off" tomorrow!
Thanks for your prayers,
Praying for Tom and all of you!