Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2

Tom was not able to do all his physical therapy today, due to some pain in his chest.  Bryan thought it may have been that he was sore from the therapy the day before, or starting to be more aware of pain, or something NOT heart related.  They did an EEG test and did not find anything wrong with his heart.  They put him on something stronger for pain than tylenol to help.

One of the speech therapists today found that Tom can understand things that are written, but may have some auditory processing issues.  She was helping him with the concept of time, and how much time has passed since July 16th, and he realized that he missed Michael's wedding.  Somehow reading it on paper gave him much more understanding of what has happened.  Tears welled up in his eyes when he figured out what he had missed, and Nancy encouraged him that there are pictures and videos, and another party is planned when he is feeling better.  Fortunately, he did not dwell on it (perhaps forgot it for the moment because of his short term memory issues). We will see if he talks about it tomorrow.

Bryan put signs all over his room that remind people to write down things for Tom since that is his best way of understanding things right now.

He was going on and on about his boys today, sharing information and stories, and just pride in his sons.  But he also had moments of anger that were hard to take.  Bryan says it is like he does not have a "filter" yet, but he believes it should come as he progresses in his cognition and short term memory.

Please pray for his therapy on Saturday.  He has half therapy on Saturday and no therapy on Sunday to rest.  Please pray for his strength, focus, and will to complete his therapy tomorrow.

Please also pray for his peace as he understands more and more, through reading.  Please pray for wisdom for the therapists.  He is a tough case because his speech and cognition issues are not like anyone they have seen before.  He seems to remember and understand a lot at times.

Please also pray for the family, especially Bryan's mom.  His anger/frustration is hard to take sometimes.  Please pray for all of us not to take things he says in anger personally, and to have extra grace, patience, and encouragement for Tom right now.

Thanks for praying.  It was a tough day for all.


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