Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9, 2011

Tom continues to make good progress.  He is using the walker more and more.  He was going on and on with Bryan about his speech therapist, how smart she is, and how "she really wants me to get better."  He also mentioned to Bryan that he heard that his former neighbor had an aneurysm the same day as him, a fact that Nancy had mentioned days before, but he did not seem to understand at the time.  His short term memory seems to be improving slowly.

Bryan visited in the evening and was greeted with a big hug.  Tom was watching football, eating pound cake in his bed,  and in good spirits.

Please pray for Tom's left eye.  They still have not figured out what is wrong yet, which is a little frustrating.  A few days ago, they said he had just a scratch on his eye, possibly from his contact being in there to long after the aneurysm.  But Tom has said he cannot see out of it at all.  Yesterday, they said he could see light and dark, but nothing else.  This issue would effect his balance, which seemed to be the main issue with his physical therapy.  Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, and for healing of his eye.

Please continue to pray for progress in his cognition and for hope and peace.

Thanks for your prayers,


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