Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15

Tom was in the cardiac chair for one hour today.  It is progress, but it was hard.  Hard for Nancy to watch, and hard for Tom.  This chair helps patients use muscles they have not used at all since they have been in bed for weeks.  Tom did not like it.

He seems to be realizing what is going on more and more.  He had some smiles and nods (yes and no) today, but he also looked away intentionally, and he actually looked sad.  This is also progress, but is very hard.

Tom has been breathing on his own for 48 hours now.  Once he reaches 72 hours, they re-evaluate and go to the next step towards removing the trach.  They fever he had last week set him back a little.  Please pray for protection from any more infections or complications so he can continue to move forward.

Please pray for Tom to be able to cope as he realizes what he has gone through, and how much therapy it will take to get back to "normal,"  whatever that will be from now on.  Pray for his peace, strength, and perseverance for his therapy.

Please also pray for Nancy and the family as we watch and wait.  Recovery will be very slow.  Help us all know how to encourage Tom and each other in this season.

Please pray for the meeting with the doctors this week, that the plan for his recovery will be communicated well.

Thanks again for praying,


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