Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21

Tom is still doing well.  The family had a good weekend visiting.  He has moments when he is very engaged and "talkative," and other moments when he is awake, watching TV, but does not want to talk.  He is definitely putting things together.  He even asked for Bryan and his computer today.  As far as I know, he has recognized people, smiled and laughed at stories and memories, but only called Nancy by name.  He also told one of the therapists where he lived a few days ago.  There seems to be progress each day.

There are glimmers of Tom each day in the little things he says.   He asked Friday if he should paint his room, after seeing a stain on the ceiling that obviously would drive a painter, like himself, crazy.  He also has his sense of humor.  When the nurse asked if he had pulled out his IV today, he said "Not yet!"

We are so thankful to see him talking, laughing, and moving around in his bed --  an absolute miracle from where he was when he was airlifted to Loyola just 36 days ago.  Just amazing! 

We are so thankful for all of your prayers.  It is still a long road ahead.  The meeting with the doctor is Wednesday afternoon. 

Please pray for that meeting and for clear communication and direction as to what to do next.  Please continue to pray for peace, perseverance, and joy for Tom.  And please pray for continued strength for Nancy and the rest of the family.

And if you think of it, please pray for a friend who lost her father to a sudden illness this weekend.  He was one year younger than Tom, and had been in the hospital the past few weeks as well.  Please keep this friend and her family in your prayers this week especially.

Thanks for praying,


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