Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22

Tom was switched to a smaller trache collar today, which means he is closer to not needing it at all.  It was capped today so he was breathing on his own.  He also was able to stand with a walker, and knew his last name.  These are all little things to most people, but HUGE for where he has been.

Bryan got to watch him in the cardiac chair late this afternoon.  Apparently, he was supposed to have time in the chair in the morning, but it did not happen.  If Bryan (or one of us) was not there to watch him this afternoon, they would have skipped this part of his therapy today altogether.  We are all completely frustrated after a rough day with unprofessional nurses, and  we are confused as to why an important part of therapy would have been skipped.  Bryan usually visits anyway, but our visits have never been a necessary part of his physical therapy!

Please pray for Nancy and Bryan  as they have more conversations with the staff tomorrow about today's issues.  We have had excellent care up until this point, and this was a major frustration and disappointment.  We are also very tired, so please pray for clear communication tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for the doctor meeting on Wednesday.  Some of these issues will be brought up then as well, but most of it should deal with Tom's progress and plan for the future.

Tom said my name when he saw a picture tonight.  Each day he uses more of our names, which is exciting.  He was trying to get Bryan to take him home tonight, so please pray for his patience, especially now that he can stand.  He still needs to get stronger or he may hurt himself.

Thanks again for praying for us and with us,


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