Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19

Tom had to be restrained this morning.  He was confused and combative, so the nurse called to let Nancy know that they would be restraining him.  The nurses said he is really strong.  Bryan was waiting for this day. 
He knew that once Tom started figuring out what was happening he would try and get out of there! 

During their afternoon visit, Bryan's brother and mom asked Tom where to get Nancy's car's oil changed, since he was the one who would do that for her.  After first answering 'bacon,' (which is hilarious to me if you know how much Kozors like bacon), he answered 'Sears,' which was correct.  It just amazes me how many details he knows.

Please continue to pray for strength for his physical therapy, and for his peace of mind as he gains more understanding every day.  And for wisdom for the family for the next step.  His time at this rehab facility is halfway done already!  Since he is almost completely breathing on his own, he will have accomplished what he needed here, and he will be moved somewhere else.  The meeting with the doctors is next week.

Thanks for praying,


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